Executive Assistant Headhunter: Is This the Ideal Route for You?

by | August 14, 2020


If you are looking for the right talent to fill in an executive assistant position, you may want to try the best headhunters’ services. The ideal headhunters will source the right candidates on your behalf. They capitalize on their connections and expertise that guarantees you the best pool of candidates within a short time.

How an executive headhunter can help you hire the right EA

Several benefits come with working with the best headhunters when hiring an executive assistant. Recruiters boast of highly skilled personnel that can adeptly identify the specialized candidates for your company’s requirements. The following are the benefits of hiring through a headhunter:

You save time

Headhunters will find the ideal candidates for your company using the shortest time. They have the right tools, experience, and expertise to quickly source and identify the most qualified candidates from any location in the world. In essence, the ideal recruiter will relieve you of the hustle and time of finding the best match for your company.

Extended reach

A headhunter can specialize in a specific industry and thus access the best talent available, including those still under training. They also have a database of all potential candidates, including those currently seeking work and those employed but are looking for greater career opportunities. If you use a job hunter, you are more likely to get the best talent on the market that will offer top-notch services. Also, most headhunters advertise on multiple job boards, and they leverage on the logistics and marketing that each job board provides to locate the ideal candidate for you.

Provides additional services

Headhunters conduct background checks on potential candidates before they forward their details to you. This process is not only time-consuming but also a rigorous as it involves many follow-ups on the references. Therefore, you are saved the hard task of conducting preliminary interviews and ensuring the candidate has no criminal records when you use a headhunter. Other services that headhunters provide include psychometric tests on candidates, project support and management services, and salary and remuneration negotiations.

Market knowledge

If you are looking for an executive assistant with specific and hard-to-finding skills, a headhunter’s expertise and in-depth market knowledge will help you find the ideal candidate quickly. A headhunter will also be helpful when you are hiring an executive assistant for a foreign country project. The headhunter will provide expert opinion and knowledge on recruitment legislation in the country. They make sure you know all the relevant requirements and legalities applicable

Saves on costs

You will also save a lot on costs when you hire using headhunters. The headhunters have allocations to place the job advert on multiple job boards at very affordable rates. If you post on your own single one-off jobs with several advertising agencies, you incur massive bills. Besides, you also benefit from reduced training costs when you contract a headhunter.

Signs you need an executive assistant headhunter.

You can turn to professional headhunters if you are experiencing the following:

  • You lack the expertise and experience needed to recruit the right executive assistant on your own.
  • You don’t have the time and resources to conduct rigorous talent searches, interviews, and checks.
  • If you are looking for specific skills and talent matches that suit executive and senior-level technical positions.
  • If your company is growing or expanding and you need to hire a big team of executive assistants. Headhunters are effective for recruiting large pools of hires.
  • You work in a field or project with an extreme shortage of talent. In such a scenario, there could be more vacancies but few candidates to fill.
  • If you are a consultant looking for temporary employees for a specific project.

Signs a headhunter won’t be a fit for your needs.

Although headhunters provide excellent service by connecting you with the right talents, there are situations when it is not ideal to use their services. Don’t use a headhunter if:

  • If you can easily and quickly find the right pool of talent within your organization, professional and social circle
  • If the headhunter is not committed to finding the right candidate. Some headhunters take up the task but fail to deliver on time. Some also have poor communication strategies, and once they take up the contract, it takes ages before you hear from them.
  • If their services bust your budget- headhunters can be expensive. The price to employ their candidates can come with commissions of 20 percent or more.
  • If the recruiter can sully your reputation- before you work with a headhunter, ensure they are reputable. Some headhunters spam candidates’ resumes to several companies.

Top alternatives to a headhunter

The following are a few of the best options for headhunters:

  • Niche job boards
  • Social media recruitment
  • Campus recruitment
  • Referral recruitment
  • LinkedIn
  • Branchout
  • Plaxo
  • Doostang
  • Jobcase
  • Zirtual

Recruiting via Zirtual

Zirtual is a platform that matches up busy professionals with virtual executive assistants. Zirtual provides you with an alternative option to hire exceptional talent for your projects. You can assign tasks to ideal assistants through email, phone, or Zirtual’s dashboard. With this platform, you benefit from up to 8 hours of dedicated support and quick turn around on tasks. If you want a task completed fast, you can use the Zirtual Now, which allows you to get help from a pool of fast and highly experienced assistants with spare time.

Headhunters and recruiters offer several benefits, especially if you are a busy executive with little time to spare for interviews and other rigorous recruitment processes. This article provides you with all the tips to help you make the best decisions when recruiting an executive assistant.