ZA Spotlight: Ben F. Knows What It Takes To Supercharge Your Productivity

by | January 19, 2015

Did you know Zirtual Assistants hail from over 30 states? Wow. We’ve accumulated a vastly diverse group of employees – and we want to introduce you to them! Behold our ZA Spotlight: your glimpse into the people supporting Zirtual clients on the road to supercharged productivity.

Who is this week’s outstanding ZA? Ben F.

What state does Ben live in? He resides in the Northwest from good old Eugene, Oregon

When did he join the Z Team? January 2013

**What first attracted you to Zirtual?**I read a Daily Beast article and a few others about Zirtual, and it all just clicked for me. I have a daughter and spending time with her is valuable to me, so the work-life balance culture is extraordinary. Being a ZA offers a tremendous amount of flexibility, and it allows me to be challenged on a day to day basis which is something I truly appreciate.

**What’s the most unique task you’ve gotten?**For halloween this year I had to find über realistic KISS costumes for a client and his crew. When they hit the streets, after hair and makeup, they rocked the house.

What do you do to relax? When I need to relax I work in my garden. It’s a nice way to unplug, get some exercise, and I feel like I’m growing cash.

What do you love most about being a ZA? I feel like although I work virtually, I have a close relationship with my clients and coworkers. I’ve had most of my clients for more than a year, and a few of them for two years. They know and understand what I can do for them, and we work together smoothly. I love Zirtual because it encourages us to be problem solvers and find creative solutions for our clients. Never say no. I like fighting through a problem. I’m a puzzle solver.

What New Year’s resolution has you most excited? This year I’ve started tracking my time with a chronodex. It’s a cool way to visualize my time. If you want to give it a try you can download a template to get started.

BONUS FUN: If you could have a superpower what would you pick? Why? I would give up sleep. Really that would be the coolest superpower. No more sleep. I’d read all the time.

Boom – if you’re ready to get the time-saving assistance Zirtual Assistants like Ben offer head on over to to get setup!